The Benton and Bryant Police Departments and the Saline County Sheriff’s Office met today with Benton and Bryant school officials to further assess the situation at Saturday’s Salt Bowl game. Officers and administrators shared their experiences with the end goal of making sure a similar incident does not occur at future events as well as pinpointing any additional facts from Saturday’s incident.
Officers and administrators want residents to know, above all else, that Saturday’s incident is being taken seriously.
“We acknowledge the reality of the situation regardless of the details and want all community members to understand we will use this unfortunate event to heighten our vigilance and preparation for all future athletic events, including future Salt Bowl games,” said Benton Police Chief Scotty Hodges.
Bryant Chief Mark Kizer added that they “are grateful for the actions of so many attendees and first responders and that only a few minor injuries resulted.”
“Every effort will be taken to create a safe environment for students and attendees, beginning with extra security at every game moving forward,” noted Dr. Karen Walters, superintendent of Bryant Public Schools.
Dr. Mike Skelton, superintendent of Benton Public Schools, added: “We cannot emphasize enough that safety is the number one priority- and always has been. We are committed to updating our approach to meet the demand of today’s environment.”
Sheriff Rodney Wright noted: “The Saline County Sheriff’s Office is committed to assisting all Saline County school districts and law enforcement agencies to ensure all athletic events and other functions are provided in the safest environment possible.”
The investigation is ongoing and progressing, and anyone with information regarding Saturday’s incident can contact the Benton Police Department at 501-778-1171 or by texting ‘BNPD’ plus your message to 274637, the Bryant Police Department at 501-943-0943, or the Saline County Sheriff’s Office at 501-303-5609, and these agencies will forward the information to lead investigators at the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism.