The holiday season has ended and school districts throughout central Arkansas are again back in session. This means neighborhoods with school zones will once again see an increase in both pedestrian and vehicle traffic during the morning and afternoon hours. Drivers also need to be aware of children congregating near bus stops, especially when getting on and off school buses.
With student’s safety in mind the Central Arkansas Operation Impact Traffic Enforcement Group during the month of January will be enforcing traffic laws in and around school zones, to include colleges and universities. There will be a special emphasis on school bus safety around school buses and bus stops. To be more effective, the group members will be using both marked and unmarked vehicles during this school traffic safety initiative.
The Central Arkansas Operation Impact Traffic Enforcement Group is comprised of 16 Central Arkansas law enforcement agencies, including the Benton Police Department, which was formed due to a need to identify and discuss traffic related issues common to all member agencies and come up with a course of action to deal with the identified problem. In the end, our goal is to look out for your safety.