Benton Police Department is pleased to announce its 20th year of participation in the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) grant program.
The STEP program is a grant funded by the federal government enabling officers to work overtime for seatbelt, DWI, speeding and distracted driving enforcement. Enforcement efforts are designed to increase seat belt and child safety seat usage and to apprehend individuals choosing to drive while intoxicated or distracted. Through this program, the department is also awarded money for child safety seats, which are provided to the public at no charge and installed by BNPD officers.
From October 2017 to September 22018, BNPD officers worked a total of 376.5 hours through the STEP grant program: 210.5 hours of seatbelt enforcement, 81.75 hours of DWI enforcement and 84.25 hours of speed enforcement. The department was also awarded money to purchase Lidar equipment for speed enforcement.
In addition to regular enforcement, BNPD will participate in state and federal mobilizations during the Thanksgiving holiday, a winter mobilization in December, Memorial Day holiday, July 4th holiday and Labor Day holiday.
The STEP program is funded through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.