• Following a traffic stop on South Street, one suspect was arrested for Possession of Controlled Substance Schedule II, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Violation of Order of Protection and a second suspect for Possession of Controlled Substance schedule VI.
• A traffic stop near mile marker 113 on I-30 Westbound resulted in one suspect being arrested for Trafficking a Controlled Substance -Fentanyl and Endangering the Welfare of a Minor.
• A sex crime was reported, and Criminal Investigations assumed the investigation.
• A disturbance on W. Hazel resulted in officers seeking a warrant for one suspect for Domestic Battery 3rd, Domestic Battery 2nd, and Endangering the Welfare of a Minor.
• Following a disturbance on E. Longhills, one suspect was arrested for Domestic Battery 3rd and Obstructing Governmental Operations and cited for an outstanding warrant.
• Officers arrested one suspect for Assault on Family or Household Member 3rd following a disturbance on Hiland Place.
• Following a disturbance on Shenandoah, one suspect was arrested for Domestic Battery 3rd and Interference with Emergency Communications.
• One suspect was arrested for Possession of a Controlled Substance Schedule II with Purpose to Deliver, Possession of Controlled Substance Schedule VI with Purpose to Deliver, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Defective Tail Lamps/Reflectors following a traffic stop at Boone and Alcoa.
• Multiple extra patrols and business checks were conducted throughout the city.
Calls for Service: 52
Traffic Stops: 31
Citations: 20
Accidents: 4